Morten Rieger Hannemose


Find me in:

Building 324, room 230

DTU, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

I am a tenure track Assistant Professor at the Section for Visual Computing at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

My research area is in computer vision and machine learning, with a focus on learning from images by generating them. I am especially interested in how we can push the boundaries of making the output of a camera closer to what we see and how we can improve 3D estimation from images and videos.

I obtained my PhD in Differentiable Formulations for Inverse Rendering in 2020 under the supervision of Jeppe Revall Frisvad and Jakob Wilm. During my PhD, I did a research stay at Cornell Tech where I visited Serge Belongie.

PhD students

Year Student Topic
2024 – Peter Johannes Tejlgaard Kampen Decision Support AI for Skin Lesions
2024 – Changlu Guo Fighting Cancer with Generative AI
2023 – Jakob Lønborg Christensen Diffusion Models for Image Segmentation
2023 – Thor Vestergaard Christiansen Neural Form Representation
2022 – Duc Minh Tran Rendering of objects with measured translucent appearance
2021 – 2024 Christian Keilstrup Ingwersen Towards an AI-Driven Golf Coach, human pose estimation

selected publications

  1. Is this hard for you? Personalized human difficulty estimation for skin lesion diagnosis
    Peter Johannes Tejlgaard Kampen, Anders Nymark Christensen, and Morten Rieger Hannemose
    In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2024, Oct 2024
  2. Neural Representation of Open Surfaces
    T. V. Christiansen, J. A. Bærentzen, R. R. Paulsen, and M. R. Hannemose
    In Computer Graphics Forum, Oct 2023
  3. SportsPose: A Dynamic 3D Sports Pose Dataset
    Christian Keilstrup Ingwersen, Christian Mikkelstrup, Janus Nørtoft Jensen, Morten Rieger Hannemose, and Anders Bjorholm Dahl
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports, Oct 2023
  4. Was that so Hard? Estimating Human Classification Difficulty
    Morten Rieger Hannemose*, Josefine Vilsbøll Sundgaard*, Niels Kvorning Ternov, Rasmus R. Paulsen, and Anders Nymark Christensen
    Applications of Medical Artificial Intelligence, Oct 2022
  5. Video Frame Interpolation via Cyclic Fine-Tuning and Asymmetric Reverse Flow
    Morten Hannemose, Janus Nørtoft Jensen, Gudmundur Einarsson, Jakob Wilm, Anders B. Dahl, and Jeppe R. Frisvad
    In Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Oct 2019
  6. Superaccurate camera calibration via inverse rendering
    Morten Hannemose, Jakob Wilm, and Jeppe R. Frisvad
    In Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VII, Oct 2019